From SUBREI we have been actively tracking the impact of this pandemic on foreign trade in logistic chains and international production. This with the intention of maintaining trade flows and strengthening public-private coordination. We have created this minisite to maintain you informed and updated about the different actions and initiatives, and to open a channel to receives your concerns and problems regarding foreign trade.

Participation in Regional COMEX Boards

Action Plan

In light of the COVID-19 context, SUBREI along with embassies and trade bureaus of PROCHILE , coordinate the initiatives that allow us to maintain the trade flows, especially those of logistic chains to avoid delays or interruptions in exportations and importations.

This coordination includes public and private entities, at national and regional level, working as a group along with other services related to foreign trade such as: Customs, SAG, Sernapesca, among others.

One of the main bottlenecks to foreign trade is the physical documentation that accompanies each operation. For this reason, we have taken the following actions to facilitate trade:

Certification of Origin: SUBREI arranges with its Chilean trading partners that during the health crisis, Chilean exports benefit from a preferential tariff treatment, established by presenting a copy of the certificate of origin transmitted via electronic document.

This action has been confirmed for the Pacific Alliance and bilateral agreements with its members countries, MERCOSUR, Ecuador, EFTA, Indonesian, United Kingdom, and the European Union.

In the case of China and India, is allowed the presentation of copies of the certificate of origin to access preferential tariff treatment.

Phytosanitary Certificate::Along with the SAG, the Ministry of Health (Minsal) and SERNAPESCA coordinated for importations to be performed in a fast and secure way and the required certificates for exportations are issued faster:

  • SERNAPESCA implemented systems to simplify the issue of export certificates with Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay. We are working on applying this mechanism in a way that works with the other target markets, including China.
  • MINSAL the export certification is issued remotely (except when additional statements are required.)
  • SAG agreed to receive digital phytosanitary certificates requested to India, expecting temporal reciprocity.
    COMEX COVID e-mail
  • Virtual COMEX boards in regions to detect difficulties that businesses can have in relation to trade exchange. In April we participated in nine tables across the country (Temuco, Coquimbo, Maule, Puerto Montt, Valdivia, Magallanes, Iquique, Ñuble, and Valparaíso)
  • Covid 19 Comex table: intended to put trade policy at the service of this health crisis and that trade would not be interrupted, joint mechanisms to retain and mitigate the impacts of this crisis.
  • The COMEX table aims to raise and present what we are doing as Undersecretariat on our business agenda, to inform about health opening or market openings, from now to 2020 and to do arrangements with other public services linked to the foreign trade such as Customs, the SAG to facilitate businesses to export and import despite the crisis.
    COMEX COVID e-mail
  • Virtual COMEX boards in regions to detect difficulties that businesses can have in relation to trade exchange. In April we participated in nine tables across the country (Temuco, Coquimbo, Maule, Puerto Montt, Valdivia, Magallanes, Iquique, Ñuble, and Valparaíso)
  • Covid 19 Comex table: intended to put trade policy at the service of this health crisis and that trade would not be interrupted, joint mechanisms to retain and mitigate the impacts of this crisis.
  • The COMEX table aims to raise and present what we are doing as Undersecretariat on our business agenda, to inform about health opening or market openings, from now to 2020 and to do arrangements with other public services linked to the foreign trade such as Customs, the SAG to facilitate businesses to export and import despite the crisis.



For enquiries, doubts, problems, or other topics that affect specifically our foreign trade



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