Joint Statement by TPP Partners

Viña del Mar, Chile - High Level Representatives from Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Malaysia, Peru, and Singapore and Vietnam met here today to discuss the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) on the margins of the High Level Dialogue on Integration Initiatives for the Asia Pacific. The participating partners reiterated their firm commitment to collaborate in keeping markets open and to the free flow of goods, services and investment, advancingregional economic integration, and strengthening the rules-based international trading system, noting our concern with protectionism in many parts of the world. They recalled the balanced outcome and the strategic and economic significance of the TPP highlighting itsprinciples and high standards as a key driver for regional economic integration and promoter of economic growth, competition, innovation and productivity, with the potential of generating jobs and lowering costs for consumers. The high level representatives exchanged views on their respective domestic processes regarding TPP and canvassed views on a way forward that would advance economic integration in the Asia Pacific. Senior Trade Officials will meet and consult in preparation for the Ministers to meet again in the margins of the APEC meeting of Ministers Responsible for Trade, on 20-21May 2017. See Galery here

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